I'm not one to blatantly promote products or services unless I really, really, really like them. A product that fits into that "really like" category is the Ceiva digital photo frame.
Now, these are more than just your run of the mill photo frame. Yes, it does everything else other photo frames do, but they have one really cool component to them -- they are social.
If you sign up for the online service, users are able to send photos to the frame from their mobile device (iPhone) as well as through various plugins for Facebook, iPhoto and Picasa. I had a contest a while back that was pretty successful and will be doing another one of these soon.
In the meantime though, you might want to check out the Halloween-theme contest that Ceiva's running on their own site. Win a frame and year's service for free.
Trust me, if you win, you'll love the frame and want to get one for your friends and family. It's pretty cool to share pictures with family on the go and without having to worry about memory cards.
So go, sign up and win by clicking the image below!
Also, be sure to check back here or on my photography page on Facebook to enter my Ceiva digital photo frame contest.
Disclosure: Ceiva did not pay me or give me anything to write this post. Yes, I really like these frames that much.